Are you frustrated by gaps in your grin, overcrowded teeth, or a minor bite misalignment? If so, you might be a good candidate for Invisalign. This orthodontic treatment utilizes clear trays that fit snuggly over your teeth to gently shift them rather than bulky metal brackets.
Invisalign continues to gain popularity as more people realize they can straighten their smiles more discreetly than with standard braces. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the best solution for everyone’s unique needs. Continue reading to learn 3 things you should know about it before proceeding!
Consideration #1: It Can Cause Discomfort
Many patients opt for this clear alternative to traditional orthodontics because they’re known for being more comfortable. The smooth plastic won’t lacerate the tender tissues in your mouth, but it’s possible to develop some mild to moderate aches throughout your Invisalign treatment.
The truth is potentially any service that exerts enough force over your teeth to reposition them can cause discomfort, and Invisalign is no exception. It’s common to experience tenderness or sore teeth periodically, like when you first begin wearing your trays or when you must switch to a new set. Thankfully, it doesn’t usually last long and can be addressed with Tylenol or ibuprofen.
Consideration #2: You Might Develop a Temporary Lisp
You must wear each set of Invisalign trays for 20 to 22 hours daily, meaning that your teeth and gums will be covered practically all of the time. Although the plastic is designed to fit like a glove over your teeth, it does have mass. It can take your tongue and other supporting muscles in your mouth some time to learn to clearly enunciate different sounds with them in place.
It’s normal to develop a slight lisp until you wear the aligners long enough to grow accustomed to their presence in your mouth. The more you speak with your trays in, the faster you’ll adjust. Usually, the lisp fades within the first few weeks of treatment.
Consideration #3: Additional Attachments May Be Required
Invisalign tends to be more comfortable than traditional braces, but it doesn’t allow your dentist the same manipulation of movement. Without wires to adjust or brackets in place, it’s harder to push and pull teeth that are more firmly rooted, torqued, or more severely misaligned.
In the past, your dentist might have had to resort to standard braces to address more extreme cases. Invisalign adapted by offering attachments that can help provide additional grip on your teeth. To place them, your dentist will apply a small amount of clear resin to your enamel to form “buttons” that anchor your trays more firmly. These are typically removed when you’ve completed treatment.
Now that you know more about life with Invisalign, you can make an educated decision regarding enhancing your smile!
Meet the Author
Dr. Ifraitekh takes pride in getting to know patients so he can tailor treatment plans to meet their unique needs. He graduated with high honors from the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine and has extensive training in various additional topics, including Invisalign. He combines a compassionate approach with state-of-the-art equipment to improve patient comfort while delivering accurate, long-lasting results. If you want to reposition your grin, you can request a consultation on the website or call (512) 371-7239.