When you have dental insurance, you’re able to cover treatments that would be considerably more expensive than if you didn’t have coverage. Whether you get it from your employer or somewhere else, we want to do everything possible to help you understand how your plan works and what coverage you can expect. To learn the basics of dental insurance in Austin and the providers we are currently in-network with, keep reading below or call our dental office directly!
Unlike medical insurance, dental insurance is meant to be used on a regular basis. For example, your teeth cleanings and dental exams are supposed to happen once every six months, which is why your plan includes coverage for these preventive services. This is much different than medical insurance, which is usually only used when you’re experiencing a serious injury or illness. By keeping up with your routine dental care at our office, you can actually save money in the long-term.
Dental insurance plans can vary from one another, we recommend that you read your plan’s details beforehand and if you have any questions we are happy to help. With that said, most dental plans are broken down in the following way:
As a courtesy to our patients, we accept all PPO-based plans, electronically submit claims to your insurance on your behalf and we will follow the out-of-network plan benefits. We know insurance can be confusing and difficult to deal with at times, but we are here to help. Plans can vary in their coverage amounts, maximums, limitations, etc. We will do our best to contact your insurance carrier with the information you provide to us to ensure your eligibility at your appointment so there are no surprises. Please be prepared to upload your dental card when you receive your check-in link before your visit. If you are unable to upload it, please bring your dental card/ insurance information to your appointment and present it to the front desk when you check-in.
If shopping for an insurance plan, a few things to look out for:
What we feel strongly you deserve as a patient at our office:
Unfortunately, in-network dental benefit reimbursements do not support this quality of care, and we refuse to cut corners on our patients.